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carbon steel pipe and fittings, stainless steel pipe and fittings

Environmental and safety policy

Central steel is a stee manufacturing company. The companys main products include the production of rolled products from steel, thick plates, profiled section, sheet piles.

The goal of our company is to achieve and maintain a management and organizational level through a systemic approach that will minimize the negative impact of our industrial activity on the environment while at the same time maximizing the health of all people in the territory of the company or nearby. 

Top management of central steel considers environmental protection (EMS) and occupational health and safety (OSH) to be one of the most important priorities of corporate governance, and sets out the following principles in accordance with its context and strategic objectives: Ensure transparency and exchange of information on EMS and OSH systems, both between the management and employees, as well as their representatives, suppliers and customers, in order to create awareness of environmental aspects, safety risks and opportunity management responsibilities. Comply with legislative and other environmental, health and safety requirements as a basis for continuous improvement of the environmental performance of our company. Marketing and developing products that can be recycled, reused or safely disposed of, while avoiding the use of raw materials and materials that will endanger human life or health. Develop, operate facilities and activities in collaboration with specialized workplaces with regard to energy and material efficiency, environmental friendliness, minimization of workplace risks and respect for the principle of sustainable use of secondary resources.

Ensure the elimination or minimization of the effects of old environmental burdens after abandoned industrial activities. Prevent the occurrence of emergencies, the consequences of which could have a negative impact on the environment, the safety and health of people in workplaces or nearby.
Motivate employees and systematically increase their expertise, competence and responsibility to protect the environment and reduce safety risks. Address legitimate views and interests of stakeholders and, if necessary, take into account their EMS and OSH requirements, eg when selecting suppliers and their subcontractors, determining the scope of the organizations context, setting binding requirements, etc. Establish a set of indicators to assess the performance of EMS and OSH systems and then implement them in accordance with internal, legislative and other regulations.

To continually improve both the environmental and safety management system, the management and the environmental profile in line with the latest scientific and technical knowledge, customer requirements, stakeholders and public expectations. Top management of central steel is committed to setting and reviewing environmental and safety objectives and target values and providing the necessary resources. We declare environmental and safety policy with the conviction that it will be understood and accepted by all our employees, business partners, general public and stakeholders.


